CAUDIT Top 10 needs identity management

I had the pleasure of recently taking part in the Identity Today podcast with Blair Crawford discussing Identity management and higher education, we briefly touched on where to start. Beginning the journey is about identifying the why, and CAUDIT has really helped here. CAUDIT have released their top 10 topics affecting digital strategy for 2020. The paper provides a terrific insight into the priorities for higher...

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Photo by George Prentzas on Unsplash

But my password protects my data!!! Passwords are broken. We all know it, yet most of us use a password as our primary way of identifying ourselves when we want to access an application. The challenge has always being finding something to replace them. While we have gone a long way in finding ways to reduce the passwords with federation and password managers, these are typically...

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Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Student experience is a continued focus for higher education institutions as they strive to remain competitive in attracting and retaining top tier students. Even more so now as the view of lifetime learning means institutions want to capture these students over a much longer period through multiple learning modes. There is increasing competition for places not only within Australia but also from international universities. Higher education...

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Pandemic response has forced a rapid adoption of remote working for all organisations. For many, this is a change that involves cultural, policy, procedural, and technology changes to the way we operate. This has happened with astonishing speed showing what we are capable of when suitably motivated. But of course, this now exposes additional risk. The device is now outside of our corporate network; we are providing...

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Where does identity fit into how you approach data protection? I come across these questions regularly as I talk to identity and data security people. Data protection is becoming front of mind for many organisations. This is happening as Mandatory Breach Notifications has come into effect and the likelihood of laws similar to Europe’s GDPR regulations being introduced in Australia. I put together the graphic above to separate...

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